Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Welcome to my Child and I

Mothers, this blog is all about you and your sweet little ones, it's about the sweet experiences and the challenges you (and fathers too) face in bringing up your little ones. It's a place to seek advice, share yours, tell people what to expect, share tips on where to shop for the little darlings, parties and all other baby gists. 
I must confess that I totally enjoy being a Mum, the way my heart pumps when I'm almost home from work, how impatient I get when I ring the bell and his Nanny takes a while to get the door, the pure excitement I feel when I walk in and see his lovely face and the ecstasy of watching him crawl to me, with that big smile on his face... is sheer delight! 

My little guy is 8 moths old now and a speedster on all fours. He navigates around the living room like he's in a football field and climbs his daddy and me like we're trees. Such delight! 

Being an active crawler is quite a challenge though, he's everywhere I don't want him to be, he especially loves appearing in the kitchen unannounced, despite the fact that he doesn't like food and constantly crawls between my heels when I'm preparing for work. His father is always so scared I could step on him. This has never happened though, and I've reassured him several time that it will never happen. 

I hope I get several excited readers who will be willing to share their experiences as time goes by as much as I am. 

We will be having competitions and featuring baby of the week or of the month, I'm not sure yet but it will be determined by the number of active readers I get. I'll also be welcoming contributions from Mums, Dads and Parents to be, so, please feel free to contact me if you have any baby gist or advice to give that wouldn't fit into the comments box. 



  1. Wow...This is officially going to be one of my favourite blogs. I am a new Mum too and I can feel your excitement. I can't wait to start sharing gists with other new mums. My baby has colic oh, what should I do? Moms, I beg, your advice is needed.

    1. Mama Tony, sorry oh, we've all been there. The little darlings

  2. Hello good to be here. @ mama tony colic is normal in a child's development just buy infacol n use as directed your baby will be fine in days.

    1. My own Tosin! Talking from experience. How is your little pretty nugget? Hope she's getting used to the cold now

  3. I dont think anything really works, but it doesnt hurt to try tho. I think they just outgrow it eventually.
    Nice blog

    1. Thanks for your kind words regarding the blog Dianah. Please visit often

  4. I used gripe water for my baby. I don't know whether it worked or not. He has outgrown it now but my husband swore by it, so, you can try it out or at least, ask the doctor before you do. I hear it's harmless sha.

  5. Pele mamaTony. I like your son already ,he is my boo's namesake .try Infacol ,I used it for my daughter . Also try stomach rubs ,it might give him some comfort . After awhile he'd outgrow this phase ..hugs

  6. @Tosin and Mina Tony thank you very much. Since both of you prescribed the same thing, I will try it out. @Mina Tony, say hi to your Boo for me. Dianah, mmmm...I know my sweet boy will outgrow it oh, but you know now, as a mother, you just want to do what you have to do. Thanks for the hope. @Omoye, my mother prescribed gripe water too, but is that not old school? I will try infacol first.

  7. Well spoken fellow mums, nothing too much to say though I know Tony is going to be fine just exercise a little patience and in no time he will out grow it. I think m going to really love this blog. Keep flying Onayimi

    1. I see you Gloria. I know this is your handwork. Thanks for liking this blog. It's for us Mamas. Please keep the comments coming

  8. Well spoken fellow mums @ Tony's mum I think you need little patience with it his going to outgrow it sooner than you expect but if you cant try it out like you want to. I am going to love this site keep flying Onayimi.

  9. Colic is natural. It will go when he us like 5 or 6 months. If your baby is really young, I know that might seem like forever but truSt me, time move pretty fast when we have a baby. Just hang in there and hold him close, put his belly on your shoulders when he cries and continue to pat him on his back gently. It will get better with time.

    1. Deola, true. My little fellow suffered this colic thing seriously but he actually outgrew it and then, the wahala of teething started. Good idea ladies, I beg, let's talk about teething next. I don't know how to help my little boy, he's in pain oh.
